characters and their dialogues are as good as ever although Tory’s confusion
whether she loves Ben or Chance is a bit annoying. The plot appears to be a bit
forced; the Virals get trapped and act dumb in more than one situation –
something that didn’t happen in the earlier cases. But in order to construct
plausible opponents they apparently have to act naïve for a while, otherwise
the Trinity wouldn’t stand a chance.
Same criticism applies to the places of the story which don’t really fit
the teenage setting and remind us of James Bond or other action films. Everything
seems a bit out of scale and overdone. And although the authors try hard to
make the ending scientifically plausible it is not. It works to bring the loose
ends to a closure – Terminal being supposedly the last book of the series – but
it is not really satisfying.
Although as
a fan I liked the book because I love the setting and the characters it had
some weaknesses in storytelling and plausibility.
Kathy Reichs and Brendan Reichs, Terminal. G.P.
Putnam’s Sons, New York 2015.
Für die Buchchallenge 20/15 habe ich in diesem Buch aus der II. Umgebung Zuhause ausgesucht. Hierhin zieht sich Tory zurück, hier gibt sie neuen Entwicklungen in ihrer Familie eine Chance, ein wichtiger Ort für die Protagonistin.
Für die Buchchallenge 20/15 habe ich in diesem Buch aus der II. Umgebung Zuhause ausgesucht. Hierhin zieht sich Tory zurück, hier gibt sie neuen Entwicklungen in ihrer Familie eine Chance, ein wichtiger Ort für die Protagonistin.
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