Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kathy Reichs - Shock

Before I start reading Kathy Reichs' newest novel of her Virals series, Terminal, I got myself warmed up with a little (tiny) short story on the beginnings of Tory and her pack. Shock is number 0.5 of the series. The wolf on this cover is not at all related to the content because the few pages of the short story only tell us about the arrival of Tory at her father's shortly after the death of her mother. We witness how she meets the three boys and how their magic friendship starts. They also discover their club house, the old bunker. End of Shock. 

Really not much to go on, but some funny lines from the boys and Tory's thoughts and some glimpses of future relationships made it a light but enjoyable read for a true fan of the series.
For anyone else it might be a bit lame and too short, even for a short story.

Kathy Reichs, Shock. Cornerstone Digital 2015.


Für die Buchchallenge 20/15 habe ich in diesem Buch aus der II. Umgebung den Strand ausgesucht. Dorthin begibt sich Tory zur Erkundung ihres neuen Zuhauses und dort lernt sie ihre zukünftigen Freunde kennen.

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