Tuesday, December 26, 2023

2023 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge - results

Popsugar is a lifestyle magazine and their reading challenge has been around since 2015. On their website they list 40 book promps and additional 10 advanced prompts.

This year I finished on 26th December.


A book you meant to read in 2022: Jean-Luc Bannalec - Bretonische Nächte
A book bought from an independent bookstore: Marlen Haushofer - Die Wand
A book about a vacation: E. Lockhart - Solange wir lügen
A book by a first-time author: Denis Thériault - Das Lächeln des Leguans
A book with mythical creatures: C.S. Lewis - Der Ritt nach Narnia
A book about a forbidden romance: Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence
A book with "Girl" in the title: JP Delaney - The Girl Before
A celebrity memoir: Jane Goodall - Grund zur Hoffnung
A book with a colour in the title: Tove Alsterdal - Sturmrot
A romance with a fat lead: Thalia Hilbert - Kissing Chloe Brown
A book about or set in Hollywood: Astrid Vollenbruch - Die drei Fragezeichen - Schatten über Hollywood
A book published in spring 2023: Sarah Hall - Wie wir brennen (German edition March 2023)

A book published the year you were born: Leo Lionni - A Color of his own
A modern retelling of a classic: Marissa Meyer - Wie Blut so rot
A book with a song lyric as its title: James Baldwin - Go tell it to the mountains (Von dieser Welt)
A book where the main character's name is in the title: Volker Kutscher - Marlow
A book with a love triangle: Kazuo Ishiguro - Alles, was wir geben mussten
A book that's been banned or challenged in 2022: Caroline O'Donoghue - Die Macht der Karten
A book that fulfills your favourite prompt from a past challenge: Volker Kutscher - Olympia
A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023: Jonathan Stroud - The Screaming Staircase (reread)
A book set in the decade you were born: Elena Ferrante - Die Geschichte der getrennten Wege
A book with a queer lead: Ocean Vuong - Auf Erden sind wir kurz grandios
A book with a map: Alan Garner - The Weirdstone of Brisingamen
A book with a rabbit on the cover: Alice Pantermüller - Alles voller Kaninchen
A book with just text on the cover: Jörg-Uwe Albig - ueberdog
The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list: Ferdinand von Schirach - Der Bäcker
A #BookTok recommendation: Sally Rooney - Schöne Welt, wo bist du
A book you bought secondhand: Andreas Föhr - Herzschuss
A book your friend recommended: John Boyne - Der Junge auf dem Berg
A book that is on a celebrity book-club list: Brit Bennett - Die verschwindende Hälfte
A book about a family: Celeste Ng - Was ich euch nicht erzählte
A book that comes out in the second half of 2023: Kathy Reichs - The Bone Hacker

A book about an athlete/sport: Christine Thürmer - Laufen. Essen. Schlafen.
A historical-fiction book: Nathaniel Hawthorne - Der scharlachrote Buchstabe
A book about divorce: Liv Constantine - Dein Leben gegen meins (abgebrochen)
A book you think your best friend would like: Fredrik Backman - Eine ganz dumme Idee
A book you should have read in school: Margaret Mitchell - Vom Winde verweht
A book you read more than 10 years ago: Myron Levoy - Drei Freunde

A book you wish you could read for the first time again: Katherine Paterson - Bridge to Terabithia
A book by an author with the same initials as you: John Ironmonger - Der Wal und das Ende der Welt


A book written during NaNoWriMo: Elizabeth Haynes - Wohin du auch fliehst

A book based on a popular movie: Cornelia Funke & Guillermo del Toro - Das Labyrinth des Fauns
A book that takes place entirely in one day: Virginia Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
A book that was self-published: Virginia Woolf - To the Lighthouse
A book that started out as fan fiction: Ali Hazelwood - Stuck with you
A book with a pet character: Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde und die wilde Jo
A book about a holiday that's not Christmas: Louise Penny - Das Dorf in den roten Wäldern
A book that features two languages: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Americanah
The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list: Frank Schätzing - Limit
A book with alliteration in the title: Kathy Reichs - Kalte, kalte Knochen

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