40 / 40 prompts, finished 30th December, and 5 / 10 additional prompts.
A book becoming a movie in 2019: A.J. Finn - The Woman in the Window
A book that makes you nostalgic: Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde auf großer Fahrt
A book written by a musician (fiction or nonfiction): Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
A book you think should be turned into a movie: Annette Hess - Deutsches Haus
A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads: A. Niffenegger - Die Frau des Zeitreisenden
A book with a plant in the title or on the cover: Aude le Corff - Bäume reisen nachts
A reread of a favourite book: Michael Ende - Momo
A book about a hobby: Lucinda Riley - Das Orchideenhaus
A book you meant to read in 2018: Ian McEwan - Abbitte
A book with POP, SUGAR, or CHALLENGE in the title: Ingeborg Schober - Pop-Tragödien
A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover: Naomi Wood - Als Heminway mich liebte
A book inspired by myth/legend/folklore: Rick Riordan - Diebe im Olymp
A book published posthumously: Kent Haruf - Unsere Seelen bei Nacht
A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie: Richard Adams - Unten am Fluss
A retelling of a classic: Marissa Meyer - Wie Monde so silbern
A book with a question in the title: M.C. Butler - W-W-Wer hat schon Angst im Dunkeln?
A book set on college or university campus: John Williams - Stoner
A book about someone with a superpower: Terry Pratchett - Ruhig Blut
A book told from multiple POVs: T.C. Boyle - Die Terranauten
A book set in space: Arthur C. Clarke - 2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum
A book by two female authors: Mary Ann Shaffer/Annie Barrows - Deine Juliet
A book with SALTY, SWEET, BITTER, or SPICY in the title: K. v.d. Linden - Mein süßes Leben ohne Zucker
A book set in Scandinavia: Arnaldur Indridason - Schattenwege
A book that takes place in a single day: Patrick Süskind - Die Taube
A debut novel: Gail Honeyman - Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
A book that's published in 2019: Simon Beckett - Die ewigen Toten
A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature: Terry Pratchett - Der fünfte Elefant
A book recommended by a celebrity you admire: Rupi Kaur - Milk and Honey
A book with LOVE in the title: Daniela Krien - Die Liebe im Ernstfall
A book featuring an amateur detective: Alan Bradley - Halunken, Tod und Teufel
A book about a family: Nancy Mitford - Englische Liebschaften
A book author from Asia, Africa, or South America: Isabel Allende - Amandas Suche
A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in title: Cotterill - Dr. Siri u. der explodierende Drache
A book that includes a wedding: Elena Ferrante - Meine geniale Freundin
A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter: Daniel Dafoe - Robinson Crusoe
A ghost story: Toni Morrison - Menschenkind
A book with a two-word title: Tatiana de Rosnay - Sarahs Schlüssel
A novel based on a true story: Betty Mahmoody - Nicht ohne meine Tochter
A book revolving around a puzzle or game: Ernest Cline - Ready Player One
Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading challenge (2018: The next book in a series you started): Michael Robotham - Der Schlafmacher
Additional prompts

A "choose-your-own-adventure" book
An "own voices" book
Read a book during the season it is set in: Cecelia Ahern - Zeit deines Lebens
A LitRPG book
A book with no chapters / unusual chapter headings / unconventionally numbered chapters: Matthew Quick - Die Sache mit dem Glück
Two books that share the same title: Günter Grass - Katz und Maus
Two books that share the same title: Simon Beckett - Katz und Maus [no review]
A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom
A book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent
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